- Larry Buttrose with retired judge Greg James
- Larry Buttrose with Robyn Williams of the ABC Science Show
- Larry Buttrose with Mandy Salomon
- Elizabeth Farrelly (c) with Andrew Sully (l)
- Ed Wright, publisher Puncher & Wattmann
- Elizabeth Farrelly and Ed Wright
- Sue Woolf, Donna Maegraith, Mark Roberts and Linda Adair
- Larry Buttrose with Andrew Sully
- Larry Buttrose with book publicist Alana Free
- Larry Buttrose with daughter Ada Buttrose
- Larry Buttrose with journalist and writer Kaveh Akbari
- John Webber photographer and Gary Willis artist
- Larry Buttrose with Peter Michael
- Larry Buttrose with a genuine rocket scientist
- Larry Buttrose with Elaine Paton
- The Cuban band played into the night
A gallery of pix of the launch of Everyone on Mars by author and urban activist Elizabeth Farrelly, introduced by Ed Wright, publisher at Puncher & Wattmann, with a reading by Larry Buttrose